
E-mail : ichiyana at nda.ac.jp
Tel : 046-841-3810 (3444)
Fax : 046-844-5900

1D–ûˆ³–¬“®‹zŽû—p‘½’iƒwƒ‹ƒ€ƒzƒ‹ƒcŒ`‹¤–Ší‚ÌŠJ”­‚ÆÅ“K‰»ÝŒv–@ “ú–{–û‹óˆ³Šw‰ï˜_•¶WC‘æ32ŠªC‘æ1† (2001.1)

2DAn Application of the Self-excited Oscillation Method to a Hydraulic Motor Angular Velocity System@Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 2005, Orland, IMCE2005-80562 (2005.11)

3DCFD Analysis of a Torque Detected Type Flow Meter Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Fluid Power, FPNIf06, Aalborg (2006.8)

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