

Center for Global Security

GS Research Programs

Focusing on the following 10 thematic topics, the Center promotes theoretical and practical integrated approaches of interdisciplinary arts and sciences to the security issues ranging from basic national defense policy to the risks posed by the sophistication of military science and information technologies as well as the risks in the sustainable use of the global commons.

Since FY2017, to promote the most advanced science, we have started ‘Studies for Integrated, Advanced Science’ which scholars at NDA organically combine the respective expertise, and research in a cross-sectorial and collaborative manner. We shall promote interdisciplinary research in the field of security and crisis management.

Asian Security

OverviewThe East and the South China Sea Disputes, Nuclear Development by North Korea, Prospect for Regime Transition in North Korea.
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DirectorToru Ito, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations


Cyber Security

OverviewCyber-Security Principles (Systems and Operations), Usability, Security Risk Management, System Architectures, High-Integrity Systems Engineering, Legal Issues of Cyber Security.
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DirectorHidema Tanaka, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science


Aerospace Safety

OverviewAerospace Safety,Space Debris Mitigation, Flight Control and Traffic Management of Unmanned Vehicles, Influence of Atmospheric Disturbances on Flight Safety.
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DirectorHiroaki Tanaka, Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering


Maritime Security

OverviewDevelopment of Maritime Security System, Sea Environment Monitoring, Resource Development, International Cooperation and Law.
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DirectorKazuyoshi Mori, Professor, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences


Infectious Disease

OverviewMechanism of Infection Spread, Risk Management against Infection Diseases, Impact of the Virus Pandemic on the Military.
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DirectorTakamasa Uekita, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry


Natural Disaster and Crisis Management

OverviewOccurrence Mechanism of Various Natural Disasters (Earthquakes, Typhoons, Floods), Terrorism, Risk Control, Disaster Relief Operations, Civil-Military Cooperation.
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DirectorMasuhiro Beppu, Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Gender and Mental Health

OverviewGender Mainstreaming and Diversity Management, Development of Gender Education Programs for Military and Civilian Personnel, Organizational Culture and Military Masculinity, Work-Life Balance Mental Health Care and Stress Management for Military Personnel and Families in Peace Time/Overseas/Disaster Relief Operations, Family Support and Social Networks, Community Capacity, Social Capital.
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DirectorHitoshi Kawano, Professor, Department of Public Policy


Military Professionalism

OverviewThe Postwar Changes in the Nature of War, A Historical View of the Military Profession, Civil-Military Relations Norms in the Officer Corps, Developing a Professional Identity for 21st Century Military Officers, etc.
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DirectorDaisaku Sakaguchi, Professor, Department of Strategic Studies


Law, Security and Military Operations

OverviewLegal Aspects of Military Operations on Land, at Sea, in the Air, in Outer Space and in Cyberspace.
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DirectorMasahiro Kurosaki, Associate Professor, Department of International Relations


Dual-Use Technology

OverviewEfficient use of technologies that can be available for both military and civilian such as artificial intelligence, robots, and drones.
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DirectorHiroshi Sato, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science


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