In this paper, a unified theory of internal bores and

gravity currents is presented within the framework of

the one-dimensional two-layer shallow-water equations.

The equations represent four basic physical laws:

the theory is developed on the basis of these laws.

Though the first three of the four basic laws are apparent,

the forth basic law has been uncertain.

This paper shows first that this forth basic law

can be deduced from the law which is called

in this paper the conservation law of circulation.

It is then demonstrated that,

within the framework of the equations,

an internal bore is represented by a shock

satisfying the shock conditions

that follow from the four basic laws.

A gravity current can also be treated

within the framework of the equations if the front conditions,

i.e. the boundary conditions to be imposed

at the front of the current, are known.

Basically, the front conditions for a gravity current

also follow from the four basic laws.

When the gravity current

is advancing along a no-slip boundary, however,

it is necessary to take into account the influence

of the thin boundary layer formed on the boundary;

this paper describes how this influence can be evaluated.

It is verified that the theory

can satisfactorily explain the behaviour of internal bores

advancing into two stationary layers of fluid.

The theory also provides a formula for the rate of advance

of a gravity current along a no-slip lower boundary;

this formula proves to be consistent with some empirical formulae.

In addition, some well-known theoretical formulae

on gravity currents turn out to be obtainable

on the basis of the theory.


The motion of a gravity current in a channel

can be studied within the framework of

the one-dimensional two-layer shallow-water equations

if the front conditions, i.e. the boundary conditions to be imposed

at the front of the gravity current, are known in advance.

This paper presents the front conditions

for a gravity current advancing in a background flow

along a no-slip boundary.

The conditions take different forms

depending on whether or not the background flow is a ``headwind''.

It is also shown that the conditions are

directly applicable to a stationary gravity current.


In geophysical fluid dynamics,

it is believed that, under the Boussinesq approximation,

the equation of continuity need not be satisfied.

This note proves that the mass flux density

of a fluid divided by the density

is the momentum per unit mass of the fluid.

This indicates, since the velocity of a fluid is defined

as the momentum per unit mass,

that the density and the velocity of a fluid

must always satisfy the equation of continuity.

The belief in geophysical fluid dynamics

is thus shown to be groundless.


This paper presents a theory describing the energy budget of a fluid

under the Boussinesq approximation:

the theory is developed in a manner

consistent with the conservation law of mass.

It shows that no potential energy is available

under the Boussinesq approximation,

and also reveals that the work done by the buoyancy force

due to changes in temperature corresponds to

the conversion between kinetic and internal energy.

This energy conversion, however,

makes only an ignorable contribution to the distribution of temperature

under the approximation.

The Boussinesq approximation is, in physical oceanography,

extended so that the motion of seawater can be studied.

This paper considers this extended approximation as well.

Under the extended approximation,

the work done by the buoyancy force due to changes in salinity

corresponds to the conversion between

kinetic and potential energy.

It also turns out that the conservation law of mass

does not allow the condition that the fluid velocity is solenoidal

to be imposed under the extended approximation;

the condition to be imposed instead is presented.


This note derives the Boussinesq approximation

in a manner consistent with the conservation law of mass.

It is shown that the governing equations of a fluid

under the approximation can be obtained

on the basis of the assumption that the fluid is incompressible,

in the sense that the density of the fluid is constant.

The equation of motion, in particular, can be formulated

with the help of the conservation law of energy.

The conditions for the approximation to be valid are also discussed.


The work done by the buoyancy force in the Boussinesq approximation

is customarily interpreted as corresponding to the conversion

between potential and kinetic energy.

Studies on the energy balance

of the thermohaline circulation in the oceans

have been conducted on the basis of this interpretation;

the circulation, as a result, is believed

to revolve by consuming the potential energy of the oceans.

This document shows, however, that

the work done by the buoyancy force in the approximation

corresponds to the conversion between internal and kinetic energy;

the internal energy of the oceans is thus shown to be

the source of the kinetic energy of the thermohaline circulation.


This note extends the Boussinesq approximation

to a two-component fluid,

in a manner consistent with the conservation law of mass.

It is shown that the governing equations for a two-component fluid

can systematically be formulated,

with the aid of the conservation law of energy,

on the following assumption:

the density of the fluid is a function

solely of the concentration of one component,

but the thermal expansion coefficient of the fluid

does not vanish.

It is also shown that

the velocity of the fluid cannot in general be solenoidal

under the extended approximation.


This note deals with internal gravity waves

in a single-component fluid and those in a two-component fluid

in a physically reasonable manner.

As a result, it becomes apparent

that internal gravity waves can be classified, on the basis of

their source of kinetic energy, into two categories:

thermal and non-thermal internal gravity waves.

The source of the kinetic energy of a thermal internal gravity wave

is, in spite of its being called an internal ``gravity'' wave,

the internal energy of the fluid.

In contrast, that of a non-thermal internal gravity wave

is the gravitational potential energy of the fluid:

waves in this category can exist only in multi-component fluids.


This note analyzes the process of displacing

a fluid element vertically in a layer of fluid.

It is shown that,

when the thickness of the fluid layer is very small

compared with the height over which

the density of the fluid element changes significantly,

the fluid element may be regarded as incompressible.

However, it also turns out that the temperature of the element

changes, no matter how thin the fluid layer may be,

at the adiabatic lapse rate;

it becomes apparent, consequently, that

an incompressible fluid, as well as a compressible fluid,

undergoes adiabatic heating and cooling.


The potential energy density

of an internal gravity wave

in a thermally stratified fluid

is stored, at least partly,

in the internal energy of the fluid.

This note verifies this fact

on the basis of a simple thought experiment.


This paper reconstructs the anelastic approximation

in such a manner that it can be applied to any kind of fluid.

As a result, it turns out that the work done by the buoyancy force

in the approximation corresponds to the conversion

between kinetic and internal energy.

Also, the conditions for the applicability

of the approximation are clarified.

It is demonstrated, in addition, that the Boussinesq approximation

is not a limiting case of the anelastic approximation.


This paper constructs a variant of the anelastic approximation;

its energetics and the conditions for its applicability,

in addition, are elucidated.

It is shown that the Boussinesq approximation

is reproducible as a limiting case of this variant.

On the other hand, it also turns out

that the variant is inapplicable to an ideal gas.


This paper deduces the conditions necessary

for sound waves to be ignorable in a deep fluid layer.

On the basis of these conditions,

it is shown that there exists only one physically meaningful

soundproof approximation for a deep layer of ideal gas:

the original anelastic approximation of Ogura and Phillips (1962).


This paper extends the anelastic approximation

to a two-component fluid.

Under the extended approximation, a force arises owing to

changes in concentration of one component;

it is demonstrated that the work done by this force

corresponds to the conversion between kinetic and internal energy.

Furthermore, the conditions under which

the extended approximation is applicable are formulated.



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