They serpented towards his feet, curling, unfurling many crests, every ninth, breaking, plashing, from far, from farther out, waves and waves.

James Joyce : Ulysses

Main Research Funding

2010-2012 : "Development of forest information measurement algorithms towad CO2 reduction by high-resolution polarimetric and interferometric synthetic aperture radars," by the Grants-in-Aid Scientific Research (C) of JSPS
2005-2006 : "Development of forest information measurement system by multi-wavelengths and multi-polarization high-resolution SAR," by the Grants-in-Aid Scientific Research (B) of JSPS
2001-2003 : "Development of processing algorithms for synthetic aperture radar for the classification and interpretation of land and sea images," by JSPS/The Royal Society.
1998-1999 : "Observation and Analysis of deforestation and plantation in the tropical rainforests of Sarawak Malaysia by the JERS-1 SAR," (continue) by the Japan Life Foundation.
1997-1998 : "Observation and Analysis of deforestation and plantation in the tropical rainforests of Sarawak Malaysia by the JERS-1 SAR," by the Japan Life Foundation.
1996-2001 : "Development of Environmental & Disaster Prevension Infrastructure Information Systems Based on the Utilisation of Satellite High Technology Engineering," by the Ministry of Education, Japan.
1980-1996 : A number of research fundings by the Defence & Evaluation Research Agencies (DERA, Great Malvern, Farnborough, Ministry of Industry, etc.) on the basic research and applications of SAR/InSAR/EM Scattering.