SPSJ-RGNMR Best Poster Award19-1 SPSJ NMR meeting, Won Best Poster Award!
K. Numata, "Degradation of Urea-urethanes investigated by High-Resolution Solid-State 13C and 15N NMR"
19-1 SPSJ NMR meeting(SPSJ Research Group on NMR)
- Graduated School Student, K. Numata [Collaboration with Prof. Nakazawa] Won ! -
Degradation of Urea-urethanes investigated by High-Resolution Solid-State 13C and 15N NMR
(Kanto Resarch Group Symposium 2017, The Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan )
-TUAT - Graduated School Student, Y. Ichida - [Collaboration with Prof. Nakazawa]
-TUAT - Graduated School Student, Y. Ichida - [Collaboration with Prof. Nakazawa]
Mitsui - Dupont PolyChemical Award29th Ionomar Symposium, Won Mitsui - Dupont PolyChemical Award!
T. Matsukawa, "Solid State NMR Study of Crystalline phase and Molecular motions of Eethylene Ionomers"
29th Ionomar Symposium - Graduated School Student, T. Matsukawa Won ! -
Solid State NMR Study of Crystalline phase and Molecular motions of Eethylene Ionomers
Young Poster Award54th Annual Meeting of NMR Society of Japan, Won Young Poster Award !
M. Tsunomura, "A new approach of the 1H-T2 Relaxation of Rubber Materials : Inverse Laplace Transform and Principal Component Analysis"
54th Annual Meeting of NMR Society of Japan - Graduated School Student, M. Tsunomura Won ! -
A new approach of the 1H-T2 Relaxation of Rubber Materials : Inverse Laplace Transform and Principal Component Analysis
The 61st Best Paper Award of SRIJThe Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Japan, The 61st Best Paper Award, 2014/May/20
Static State 13C NMR Chemical Shift Change induced by Magnetic Susceptibility of Natural Rubber rolled by Magic-Angle Spinning,
NIPPON GOMU KYOKAISHI, 2013, 86(9), 285-290.
Static State 13C NMR Chemical Shift Change induced by Magnetic Susceptibility of Natural Rubber
rolled by Magic-Angle Spinning, NIPPON GOMU KYOKAISHI, 2013, 86(9), 285-290.
Outstanding Poster Presentation Award
24th Elastomer Symposium Static 13C Chemical Shift and Magnetic Susceptibility of Rolled Rubbers
SPSJ-RGNMR Young Poster Award (
Research Group on NMR)
- Graduated School Student, Mr. Masashi Kitamura Won ! -
SPSJ-RGNMR Young Poster Award (
Research Group on NMR)
- Reserch Associate,
Dr. Chikako Tanaka (now, Nakazawa) Won ! -
[Collaboration with Prof. Asakura]
2008/ 6/4
Poster Award
(Japan Society of Polymer Processing 19th Anuual Meeting)
- NISSAN ARC Resercher, Mr. Yohei Takahashi Won ! -
[My Collaborater]
PPF Young Sientist Poster Award (
Pacific Polymer Federation)
Award for Encouragement of Research in Science
- for the work for NMR analysis of polymer complexes -