Institute for Advanced Studies Institute for Advanced Studies
Institute for Advanced Studies was established in 2018 as the organization responsible for planning, drafting and coordinating medium- and long-term plans for education and research at the National Defense Academy. It consists of three centers, Center for Excellence for Liberal Arts, Global Security Center and the Center for International Exchange, and supports the Academy from the aspects of education and research.

Mission and significance of Institute for Advanced Studies

Kurokawa Takakazu (Director, IAS)
Apr.1 2022~

 In the final report of "aiming new high of NDA" in March 2014, proposals that NDA should establish Center for Excellence for Liberal Arts, International Exchange Center and Global Security Center, and a higher education research promotion institute as the umbrella organization that oversees these three centers to promote higher education research.

 In response, in April 2015, the Educational divison established Center for Excellence for Liberal Arts and the International Exchange Center. Adding to this, General Information Library established Global Security Center in April 2016.

Furthermore, we consolidated these three centers and research promotion section (in Education Division) , newly establishing Institute for Advanced Studies(IAS) in April 2018.

IAS is composed of these three centers and administrative office, with 41 professors, 20 clerks,
and 3 JSDF servicemen, 64 personnel in total. This staff members are responsible for
Organization’s operations such as budget allocation, holding seminars, running committees.

 This is how IAS is playing an important role in NDA’s research and education. The research
results of our three centers will be published on our Web page.
 Thank you for your generous understanding and supports

                                  Director, Institute for Advanced Studies
                                  KUROKAWA Takakazu
National Defense Academy
〒239-8686 1-10-20 Hashirimizu, Yokosuka CIty, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan ℡:046-841-3810

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